Time deposit “Daromadi doimi”. The deposit is replenishable and the replenishment term is up to half of the term of the deposit agreement. Interest on the deposit is calculated monthly and paid at the request of the client.
Documents required to open a savings account:
TIN (taxpayer identification number)
Account opening application.
Deposits are accepted in somoni, US dollars, Russian rubles and euros.
Minimum deposit amount:
In national currency not less than 100 somoni.
In dollars and euros, at least 100 units. and in Russian rubles not less than 1000 units.
Additional payment amount:
No limits.
Additional payment period:
possibly up to half the term of the deposit agreement.
The main terms of the permanent income accumulation agreement are that the amount on the account must be kept by the Company for at least 6 months.
How to get a deposit: cash and non-cash payment.
Contract term: 6 months or more.
The term for receiving interest on the deposit at the request of the depositor:
After the expiration of the contract
Accrued monthly interest is added to the deposit amount.
Savings opportunities:
Possibility of additional import on deposit
Possibility to extend the term of the deposit.
The ability to receive interest from a plastic card.
Opportunity to get a loan with a deposit.
The annual interest rate on the deposit is indicated in the table.